Toscano Italian Potato Salad Recipe

Italian Potato Salad

The first time I tasted Geeg’s Italian potato salad recipe, I could not stop eating it. Best Potato Salad ever! I was almost willing to give up my plate of pasta, (the keyword is almost)! Never pass on pasta and fortunately it was the next course.

It is a great idea to make this Italian delight ahead of time, (even the night before). The extra time allows the delicious flavors of the dressing, (consisting of olive oil, oregano and fresh squeezed lemon) to marinate into the potatoes.

This potato salad is a fresh side dish for almost any meal that you are making.

Note: Many of the Romano | Toscano Top Secret Italian Family Recipes contain Romano Beans either fresh or dried. We are very fortunate that both families grow them. If you have never tried them, they are incredible. However they can be difficult to obtain, consequently, I will always give alternatives to use in place them.

Michele Romano Recipes

Italian Potato Salad Recipe


  • 6 medium size red potatoes
  • 1 full cup whole green Romano beans (or fresh whole green beans)
  • 4 eggs, boiled
  • 3/4 cup red or sweet onion, sliced very thin
  • 12 to 14 Kalamata olives

Homemade Dressing:

  • 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice (Juice of 2 lemons)
  • 1 – 1/2 tsp oregano or 1 – 1/2 tbsp fresh chopped oregano
  • 1 tsp sea salt or pink Himalayan salt
  • Fresh ground pepper (to taste)
  • Whisk above ingredients together.


  1. Scrub and cut potatoes in quarters. (If potatoes are new I scrub and leave skin on.)
  2. Boil potatoes until tender. Set in fridge to chill.
  3. Boil eggs for 6 or 7 minutes and drain. Fill pot with cold water to cool. Then drain, set in fridge to chill.
  4. Cut ends off Romano or green beans, then cut them in half.
  5. Boil beans until a bit firm, chill with cold water and drain.
  6. Cut up potatoes in a bowl in large bite size pieces.
  7. Add eggs, sliced onion and Kalamata olives.
  8. Add oregano salt and pepper.
  9. Gently toss in beans.
  10. Pour dressing on salad and gently mix thoroughly making sure the dressing coats all of the potatoes.
  11. Marinate in fridge for at least one hour (stirring occasionally) until ready to serve.

Serves: 4-6
Prep Time: 30 min
Cook Time: 30 min

Live Long and Mangia!

Nutritional Facts

Lemon Juice has so many health benefits. From losing weight to controlling blood sugar levels. Lemon juice helps with digestion, skin care, toothaches when messaged on the gums, and it’s anti bacterial properties help fight infections in the throat area. Use it!
Extra virgin olive oil is derived from the first pressing of the olives and has the most delicate flavor and many antioxidant benefits.
Oregano is loaded with health benefits. It is known to be an effective anti-bacterial. It also has potent anti-oxidant activity.

For more on eating healthy, I find The Health Benefits Times very informative.