Chicken Lasagna Recipe with Butternut Squash and Portobello Mushrooms

Italian Chicken Recipes

A chicken lasagna recipe with butternut squash and portobello mushrooms! Sounds delicious doesn’t it? Let me tell you something…IT IS!

The garden and the abundance and varieties of squash that we grew last year, was my inspiration to create this fabulous chicken lasagna recipe with butternut squash and portobello mushrooms. It turned out to be one of the most decadent lasagna’s that I have ever eaten. After one bite, my husband and I quickly decided it was a keeper.

I carefully wrote down the recipe and the rest is history. (just like the 49ers) lol. It was Super bowl Sunday that year, and unlike Dan’s team, my chicken lasagna recipe was a huge touchdown with family and friends!

Note: Sauce should not be too runny but more on the thick and creamy side. You can always add a little more or little less broth and cream to suit.

Use a 9×13 glass baking or lasagna dish.

Michele Romano Recipes

Butternut Chicken Lasagna Recipe


  • 4-6 chicken breasts, sliced
  • 3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil or organic coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp. butter.
  • 1 cup leeks, chopped
  • 1/2 cup onion, diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped or 2 tsp. dried basil
  • 1 tsp. oregano
  • 1-1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. fresh ground pepper
  • 2 large portabella mushrooms, sliced (each large slice cut in two)
  • 3 cups organic chicken broth
  • 1 small butternut squash (baked and mashed.)
  • 3/4 cup cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk (or use plain milk if desired)
  • 1-1/2 cups half and half cream.
  • 1/2 cup Parmesan or Romano
  • 1-1/2 cups grated mozzarella
  • Pinch, nutmeg
  • 2 cups Italian ricotta cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped fine
  • Dash of each, fresh pepper and salt
  • 12 oven ready lasagna noodles (I used brown rice lasagna noodles)
  • Grated mozzarella for top of lasagna (I used friulano Italian cheese for top)


Step 1

  1. Bake squash at 350 degrees until well done. Scoop out of skin and set aside.

Step 2

  1. Heat oil and butter in a large sauce pan or soup pot.
  2. Add in sliced chicken breasts and sauté until chicken is half cooked.
  3. Add in onions, leeks, garlic and seasonings.
  4. Gently stir in sliced portabella mushrooms.
  5. Saute for a few more minutes, stirring gently blending flavors.
  6. Pour in chicken broth.
  7. Beat together, squash and cream cheese and 1/2 cup coconut milk (or plain milk.)
  8. Slowly stir squash mixture into sauce.
  9. Stir in half and half, cheeses and nutmeg.
  10. Simmer sauce, but do not let boil.

Step 3

  1. Mix ricotta cheese, egg, and parsley together in a bowl. Add a sprinkle of pepper and salt.

Step 4

  1. If using brown rice lasagna noodles like I did, boil them just a little, until they are pliable but firm (if that makes sense!)
  2. If using oven ready lasagna noodles, don’t worry bout it!

Step 5

  1. Cover bottom of 9×13 dish with sauce.
  2. Place a layer of lasagna noodles down and more sauce on top, making sure to distribute chicken and mushrooms evenly as possible.
  3. Spread ricotta cheese mixture on next.
  4. Keep layering sauce generously and noodles etc. until you have 3 layers.
  5. Cover with grated mozzarella or Italian Friulano cheese.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes or is bubbling and golden brown on top.
  7. Let set for 15 minutes to set before cutting and serving.

Prep Time: 60 min.
Cook Time: 60 min.
Serves: 8

Live Long and Mangia!

Health Benefits:

Butternut Squash is an abundance of powerhouse nutrients known as carotenoids know to protect against heart disease. They are high in potassium for your bone health, vitamin B6 for your immune system, and antioxident rich vitamin C.

For more on eating healthy, I find The Health Benefits Times very informative.